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ORNL's Communications team works with news media seeking information about the laboratory. Media may use the resources listed below or send questions to
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Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), the Department of Energy's largest science construction project, recently received two awards from the Tennessee Labor Management Conference -- the Award of Excellence in labor-management rel...
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Oak Ridge National Laboratory announced today that Vanderbilt University has joined the laboratory's "core universities." ORNL's core universities — which now number seven — assume a scientific leadership role in working with the laboratory to help shape the research agenda for more than one billion...
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Johney Boyd Green Jr., a researcher with the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has been recognized as one of the 50 most important black research scientists in America, according to the September issue of Science Spectrum magazine.Green, group leader of the Fuels, Engines and Em...
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Sequencing the Populus genome represents a huge international success, and scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory expect it to sprout big gains in research involving alternative energy production and environmental restoration. Completion of the se...

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Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers, using a state-of-the-art microscope and new computerized imaging technology, have pushed back the barrier of how small we can see--to a record, atom-scale 0.6 angstrom. ORNL, a Department of Energy national laboratory, also held the previous record, at 0.7 angstrom.
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Jian Shen of Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a Department of Energy recipient of the latest Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), presented today in a White House ceremony.
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You might say some scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory hang with a fast crowd.More and more, NASCAR teams seeking a racing edge are making pit stops at ORNL's High Temperature Materials Laboratory for high-tech tips to better performance."ORNL facilities that are used to test and develop tr...
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Hundreds of barges, tow boats and recreational craft passing through Watts Bar on the Tennessee River will be monitored for nuclear material as part of an effort to thwart terrorists.The project, scheduled to start in September, is a collaboration among the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National...
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The Department of Homeland Security's recent selection of Memphis as a "best practices" model for high-tech security measures could speed the implementation of similar technologies in other cities.
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Small businesses interested in working with four Department of Energy national laboratories managed or co-managed by the Battelle Memorial Institute of Columbus, Ohio, may participate in a two-day conference Aug. 30-31 at DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Representatives from ORNL, Brookhaven ...