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641 - 650 of 1130 Results

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An Oregon State University graduate student has successfully turned her participation in a two-day POWGEN Neutron Diffraction workshop at Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Spallation Neutron Source into a published paper in the Journal of Solid State Chemistry. Participants at the workshop in Septembe...
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Considering how ubiquitous it is on earth, methane (natural gas) at the molecular level is a scientific unknown. To understand it and to manage it both as energy and as an environmental hazard, scientists need to know more about its molecular structure. A neutron diffraction study at the Spallation ...
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Casein micelles in milk, stabilized by molecules of kappa-casein, are the building blocks of dairy products such as yogurt and cheese and the vehicle for delivering calcium phosphate to newborns. Several models for the internal structure of these have been proposed. Using contrast variation small-an...
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Theoretical physicists have long predicted the existence of a quantum state of matter they call "supersolidity," in which solid helium-4 loses its viscosity and flows like a liquid. Researchers are using the Spallation Neutron Source in a series of studies to pin down whether this paradoxical new st...
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The Spallation Neutron Source's Powder Diffractometer POWGEN has launched a rapid access sample mail-in system for users who use the flexible general-purpose instrument for a wide range of structural studies of novel materials. The instrument will be made available to rapid access users for a few da...
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About 2,500 people still die each year in residential fires, but that number could be reduced with a smart fire alarm that can immediately distinguish between fires and nuisances. A team led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Bruce Warmack of the Measurement Science and Systems Engineering Division ...

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Consumers and the environment could ultimately be the beneficiaries of a high-efficiency CO2 heat pump water heater concept being researched by General Electric and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Through a cooperative research and development agreement, GE and ORNL are designing a prototype resident...

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The Journal of Condensed Matter Physics has put out a special issue on the dynamics of water and glass-forming liquids that features six ORNL neutron sciences research collaborations. The special issue focused on fluids and other soft condensed materials confined in matrices, a natural area for neut...
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Neutron testing of the Japanese-made superconducting cable for the Central Solenoid magnetic system for U.S. ITER has been done at the Spallation Neturon Source's VULCAN Engineering Materials Diffractometer. The 3-meter cable, mounted in a specially designed cryostat, can be cooled down to minus-19...
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U.S. ITER researchers at the Fusion Pellet Fueling Lab at Oak Ridge National Laboratory are developing and testing pellet injector technology for fueling and controlling the hot plasma in the ITER tokamak experimental reactor. Current research is focused on U.S. ITER contributions to fueling, disrup...