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421 - 430 of 1130 Results

The Carmel caprock, which overlies an aquifer naturally charged with carbon dioxide, was analyzed with neutron scattering, revealing alteration only in the basal 7 cm and progression of caprock corrosion an order of magnitude slower than expected.
Storing carbon dioxide for millennia in geologic formations relies on effective seals. Gernot Rother of Oak Ridge National Laboratory participated in analysis of neutron scattering data taken at the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science during a collaborative study led by Cambridge Univ...
Temperature is represented by different colors for this heat sink for a 50-kilowatt DC-to-DC converter with red being the hottest.
Increased power densities in electronics will require more efficient heat sinks, and additive manufacturing combined with a simple thermal annealing process could help designers meet that goal. A team that includes Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Tong Wu reported that while a 3-D printed aluminum alloy heat sink equaled or measured 10 percent worse than those manufactured conventionally, after the treatment the performance gap vanished.
Temperature is represented by different colors for this heat sink for a 50-kilowatt DC-to-DC converter with red being the hottest.

Production run spot checks of materials for lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells could be a thing of the past because of a process developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The infrared/thermal nondestructive evaluation technique invented by a team led by David Wood examines key parameters such as porosity and thickness of the coating in real time without destroying product.

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Since the discovery of high-temperature superconductors — materials that can transport electricity with perfect efficiency at or near liquid nitrogen temperatures (minus-196 degrees Celsius) — scientists have been working to develop a theory that explains their essential physics.
After running a simulation proving calcium-48 was a magic isotope, ORNL researchers were surprised to find experimental data and simulations that suggested calcium-52 was not magic, as expected.
​A multi-institution team led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Gaute Hagen used computation to corroborate experimental findings throwing calcium-52’s status as a magic isotope into question.
A 3-D printed table was manufactured using 10 percent bamboo fiber, an initial step toward sustainable practices using bio-derived materials
Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory are using bamboo fiber in 3-D printing experiments to determine whether bio-based feedstock materials are feasible in additive manufacturing.
Future Formula E cars could be powered by batteries that feature up to 30 percent increased energy density.

Drivers of Formula E cars may soon no longer have to change cars midway through the race, thanks to a battery coating technology developed by XALT Energy of Michigan and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. By depositing a nanoscale layer of alumina on oxide cathodes, researchers have incre...

A superhydrophobic additive increases resistance to water, soiling and microbial growth.

An anti-soiling highly reflective and water-resistant roof coating developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and evaluated at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has produced encouraging results. The coating based on superhydrophobic particles resulted in only 3.3 and 4.9 percent r...

This map depicts locations of trap states (in purple) in a hybrid perovskite film, with emission and overall photoexcitation distributions measured directly using multimodal ORNL optical imaging techniques.
Energy-sapping defects in solar cell material can be revealed with an unprecedented, dual-imaging method established by researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. ORNL scientists scanned hybrid perovskite films to measure “dark” electronic trap states in complex photovoltaic materi...
Microwave imaging (left) reveals conducting ferroelectric domain walls (right) in lead zirconate titanate. Before microwave microscopy, it was difficult to detect electrically conducting ferroelectric domains.
Research led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and published in Nature Communications explored building blocks of future electronics — ferroelectric materials in which topological defects called domain walls can be created by an electric field and detected by an alternating current. Th...