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Final CRADA Report – NFE-22-09107 Imaging Enhanced Simulation Validation for Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufactur...

Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

Directed Energy Deposition (DED) is a welding-based metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) process that relies on the programmed rastering of an electric arc or laser induced weld pool to construct a component in a layerwise fashion. The induced complex thermal field and uneven thermal contraction depends on the printed geometry and scan pattern, and as such, accumulated residual stresses and distortions are complex and difficult to predict. Several prior works have resulted in tools to combat this issue; ANSYS has developed a thermoplastic simulation package targeting DED AM, and ORNL has developed an in-situ imaging sensor package ‘Stereo Correlated Optical and Pyrometric System’ (SCOPS) that can spatially monitor temperature and full field strain. In this CRADA, these tools are compared in order to validate the results and complimentarily address the weaknesses in each other.