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IAEA Domestic Inspections in the US...

by Jessica L White-horton, Hilary Lane
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
INMM 2017
Publication Date
Conference Name
Conference Location
Indian Wells, California, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date

The Voluntary Offer Agreement between the United States and the IAEA for the implementation of IAEA safeguards in the United States, INFCIRC/288, entered into force in 1980. Under this Agreement, the United States provides to the IAEA an Eligible Facilities List, which lists facilities eligible for IAEA inspection and verification of compliance through either a reporting-only process or for full-scope safeguards (to include inspections). Approximately 300 facilities are currently listed on the Eligible Facilities List. Since 1981, the IAEA has conducted over 700 inspections on ~20 of these facilities. Currently, four NRC-licensed facilities have been selected under the Initial (Reporting) Protocol, and one DOE facility, KAMS at the SRS, has been selected for full-scope safeguards. These IAEA inspections are documented in the ID/288 database managed by staff at ORNL and the Y-12 National Security Complex for the NNSA Office of Nonproliferation and Arms Control. This database also maintains records of US designated inspectors, the status of indices checks, and inspection schedules. The database was most recently updated in FY 2014 to include information related to the IAEA visit to URENCO-USA in New Mexico and will be upgraded again via proposal in FY 2017 to include the Small Quantities Protocol (SQP) inspections in the US Caribbean territories, associated with INFCIRC/366. During the FY 2017 upgrade, the system will also be overhauled to allow for quicker updates and to improve performance using a modern software package.