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Research Highlight

EPA, NHTSA cite ORNL in emissions, efficiency standards for trucks

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ORNL's Vehicle Systems Integration Laboratory and Center for Transportation Analysis were cited in EPA's fuel efficiency and emissions standards for heavy-duty trucks.

ORNL's Vehicle Systems Integration Laboratory research was cited by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the recently released jointly finalized standards for medium-and heavy-duty vehicles. The new standards are designed to improve fuel efficiency and cut greenhouse gas emissions, while bolstering energy security and spurring manufacturing innovation. The VSI Lab is part of the Center for Transportation Analysis.

Researchers Paul Chambon and Dean Deter used the unique capabilities of the VSI Lab at ORNL's National Transportation Research Center to assist the EPA with the development of new engine and powertrain test procedure options associated with the GHG certification process.

In addition to the VSI work, the standards also cited the Transportation Energy Data Book, compiled by Stacy Davis, Susan Williams, Bob Boundy, and Sheila Moore from CTA.