Henriette Jager

Henriette I Jager

Distinguished scientist

Our research focuses on quantifying and monetizing trade-offs and complementarities between renewable energy production and other ecosystem services. For hydropower, we use models to understand responses of riverine fishes to modifications to flow, temperature (climate change). Currently, we are focusing on thermal effects of reservoirs and understanding how diurnal shifts in electricity demand due to penetration of wind and solar will influence aquatic biota. In addition, we are studying how reservoir operation influences GHG emissions from reservoirs. For bioenergy, we develop guidance for managing biomass crops and forests to increase biomass, improve water quality, and protect biodiversity. As part of this research we are seeking to understand whether some biofuel production systems can increase resilience to climate-mediated threats, such as wildfire and eutrophication. We are developing tools to conduct regional valuation of biomass, carbon, water quality, and biodiversity benefits provided by multifunctional riparian buffers.

Email: jagerhi at ornl.gov

2023-Present            Distinguished Scientist, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

2016-2022                 Senior scientist, ORNL

2003-Present            Joint Faculty Associate, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee @ Knoxville

1988-2015                 Staff scientist, ORNL

Elected Fellow of the American Fisheries Society, 2022

Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2019

Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award, Environmental Sciences Division, ORNL (2006)

DOE Outstanding Mentor Award (2006)

ORNL Technical Publication Award (2001) for Jager et al. 2000. Ecosystems 3: 396-411

PhD            2000, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee

MS             1984, Ecology, University of Tennessee

BA               1979, Biology, Franklin Pierce College, SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry

Leadership Team ORNL Climate Change Science Institute (2023-present)

American Fisheries Society (President-Elect, Water Quality Section 2019-2020; President 2020-2021; Past-President 2022-2023; Communications Officer 2023-2024)

NSF Natn’l Inst. of Mathematical & Biological Synthesis, Affiliate faculty



Center for Bioenergy Sustainability (ORNL, 2011-2021)

Joint Faculty, Oak Ridge Research Institute (U. Tenn Knoxville)

Member: Int. Society of Landscape Ecologists, Intn’l Society for Ecological Economics, Ecological Society of America

Book: Environmental Risk Assessment and Management from a Landscape Perspective (pages: 157 to 185)
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