Richard T Mayes

Richard T Mayes

Senior R&D Staff Member and Group Leader (Interim), Fuel Cycle Technology Group

Richard Mayes joined ORNL in 2011 after two years as a postdoctoral research assistant at ORISE. Richard began his ORNL career as an inorganic chemist in the Nanomaterials Chemistry Group, then became R&D associate staff for the Medical, Industrial and Research Isotopes Group before becoming a senior R&D staff member and leader of the Emerging Isotope Research Group. He is currently a senior R&D staff member in the Fuel Cycle Chemical Technology Group and serves as associate editor in Sustainable Process Engineering for "Frontiers in Chemical Engineering." 

Richard was a member of the 2017 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Class of Influential Researchers and is a three-time R&D 100 Award winner. He has been recognized for outstanding work in mesoporous carbon electrodes for desalination, HiCap adsorbents and U-Grabber adsorbents.

Richard is a member of the American Chemical Society and is active in the subdivisions Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry. He has served as assistant national program chair and national program secretary for the Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Division and is currently the Deputy Program Chair. He is also the 2024 Chair of the East Tennessee Section of the American Chemical Society (ETACS).

Richard serves as a reviewer for Dalton Transactions, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Inorganic Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Chemical Science, RSC Advances, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Separation Science and Technology, Carbon, and Solvent Extraction & Ion Exchange. He was organizer of the 2018 symposium “The Chemistry of Molten Salts” at the 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition in Boston. He has given hands-on demonstrations, "Who lives next door? A chemist lives next door" to kindergarteners at area schools, to help them recognize chemistry in their world.


2017 UT-Battelle Science & Technology Research Accomplishment Award

2017 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Class of Influential Researchers

2016 R&D100 Award: U-Grabber

2012 R&D100 Award: HiCap Adsorbents

2011 R&D100 Award: Mesoporous Carbon Electrode for Desalination

He holds Bachelor Science and Master of Science degrees in Chemistry from Tennessee Technological University and a doctoral degree in Chemistry from the University of Tennessee.

Janke, C. J.; Mayes, R. T.; Das, S.; Dai, S. Amidoxime-functionalized materials and their use in extracting metal ions from liquid solutions. U.S. Patent 11,247,191 B2, February 15, 2022.

Janke, C. J.; Mayes, R. T.; Das, S.; Dai, S. Amidoxime-functionalized materials and their use in extracting metal ions from liquid solutions. U.S. Patent 11,247,191 B2, February 15, 2022.

Dai, S.; Abney, C. J.; Mayes, R. T.; Dozlhnikov, D.; Luo, H. “Molten salt compositions with enhanced heat transfer and reduced corrosion properties.” U.S. Patent 11,050,094 B1, June 29, 2021.

Janke, C. J.; Mayes, R. T.; Das, S.; Dai, S. “Amidoxime-functionalized materials and their use in extracting metal ions from liquid solutions.” U.S. Patent 10,702,852 B2, July 7, 2020.

Mayes, R. T. and Dai, S. “Carbon Composition with hierarchical porosity, and methods of preparation.” U.S. Patent 10,626,028, April 21, 2020.

Dai, S.; Sun, X.-G.; Guo, B.; Wang, X.; Mayes, R. T.; Ben, T.; Qiu, S. Nitrogen-sulfur-carbon nanocomposites and their application as cathode materials in lithium-sulfur batteries. U.S. Patent 10,044,039 B2, August 7, 2018.

Mayes, Richard T. & Dai, Sheng. Carbon composition with hierarchical porosity, and methods of preparation. U.S. Patent 10,023,480 B2, July 17, 2018.

Dai, S.; Sun, X.-G.; Guo, B.; Wang, X.; Mayes, R. T.; Ben, T.; Qiu, S. Nitrogen-sulfur-carbon nanocomposites and their application as cathode materials in lithium-sulfur batteries. U.S. Patent 9,455,439 B2, September 27, 2016.

Dai, S.; Górka, J.; Mayes, R. T. Surface-functionalized mesoporous carbon materials. U.S. Patent 9,249,241 B2, February 2, 2016.

DePaoli, D. W.; Kiggans, J. O., Jr.; Tsouris, C.; Bourcier, W.; Campbell, R.; Mayes, R. T. Increasing ion sorption and desorption rates of conductive electrodes. U.S. Patent 8,920,622 B2, December 30, 2014.

Mayes, R. T.; Dai, S. Carbon composition with hierarchical porosity, and methods of preparation. U.S. Patent 8,865,351 B2, October 21, 2014.

Dai, S.; Fulvio, P. F.; Mayes, R. T.; Wang, X.; Sun, X.-G.; Guo, B. Mesoporous Carbon Materials. U.S. Patent 8,828,533 B2, September 9, 2014.

Mayes, R. T.; Kiggans, J. O., Jr.; Dai, S.; DePaoli, D. W.; Tsouris, C.; Peter, W. H. Metal-carbon composites and methods for their production. U. S. Patent Application 2015/0306570A1, October 29, 2015.

Blue, C. A.; Dai, S.; DePaoli, D. W.; Kiggans, J. O., Jr.; Mayes, R. T.; Peter, W. H.; Tsouris, C. Titanium and titanium alloy carbon composites for capacitive water purification and other applications. U.S. Patent Application 2013/0048500A1, February 28, 2013.