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Wan Li

Research Associate Staff


Dr. Wan Li is a Research Associate Staff Member in the Mobility and Energy Transitions Analysis (META) group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). She earned her PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Washington in 2019 and an MS in Civil Engineering from Louisiana State University in 2014. Her research primarily focuses on traffic system modeling and simulation, urban transportation network operation and control, data-driven spatiotemporal forecasting, and transportation big data analytics. Specifically, she is interested in integrating data-driven methods, optimization algorithms, and big data analytics tools into intelligent transportation systems to explore how they could support research and benefit the development of smart cities.

Dr. Li is a Handling Editor of the Transportation Research Record, the journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRB). She has been appointed as a committee member for the TRB Committee AKR30, which focuses on Maintenance Fleet and Equipment. She is also serving as a member of two American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Transportation and Development Institute (T&DI) committees: Data Sensing and Analytics Committee and Artificial Intelligence in Transportation Committee.

Research Interests:

  • Urban traffic network modeling and simulation
  • Traffic control system design and optimization 
  • Data-driven spatiotemporal traffic forecasting 
  • Transportation Energy 

Honors & Awards

  • Best Paper Award, The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies, and Applications, 2021 
  • Second Prize, Transportation Forecasting Competition, Organized by: ABJ70, IEEE ITSS & Didi, 2019. 
  • Concord Engineering Term Graduate Student Support Fund, 2018. 
  • Outstanding Reviewer, Transportation Research Part C. 2018. 
  • Graduate Student Conference Travel Awards, University of Washington, 2017, 2019. 
  • Graduate Travel Grant, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2016. 
  • Outstanding Award, Graduate Student Research Conference in Louisiana State University, 2014. 
  • Graduate Student Association Travel Awards, Louisiana State University, 2013. 
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