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231 - 240 of 505 Results
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Thermoplastics synthesized from renewable feedstocks can conserve petrochemicals. Simply making renewable thermoplastics with comparable properties and cost to conventional petroleum derivatives is not enough to drive the switch to renewable sources.

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The invention provides a 100% biobased plastics with lignin. This can be done by making use of bio-based polymers that have certain glass transition temperatures, and certain functional groups that can suitably react and bond with lignin.

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Competing technologies generally use batch mixing of a "broth" that is unstable and must remained chilled and processed within 1-4 hours. This limits production of smaller droplets that take more time to move through the system.

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High Si electrical steel has the potential to be both efficient and cost effective. Increasing Si content improves magnetic and electrical properties, with 6.5wt.% being optimum. At 6% Si, the steel is too brittle to be cold rolled or stamped.

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This invention involves the production of ionically conductive oxynitride and oxide glass powders.  To our knowledge, this invention is the first technique that has produced high-lithium content oxynitride glass powders with high ionic conductivity (up to 5 x 10-7 S/cm at