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Integrated DER/Grid use optimization through grid-scale electricity storage

Invention Reference Number


In our disclosure, we present an integrated strategy designed for the reduction of grid carbon emissions through the judicious utilization of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) paired with grid-scale electrical energy storage systems, such as batteries. The core of this approach involves a meticulous determination of the capacities of both the grid-scale electric energy storage system and the DER system. By proficiently managing the flow of power and energy between these two systems, our goal is to establish an optimal equilibrium between energy storage and dispensing. The key outcome of this integrated strategy is the minimization of the grid-level carbon footprint. This is calculated as the product of carbon intensity and the amount of energy dispensed. Through this meticulous calculation and analysis, our approach is poised to make a significant contribution to the ongoing endeavors aimed at rendering the electric grid more sustainable. In doing so, we align with the overarching objective of decarbonizing the transportation sector, paving the way for a greener and more environmentally conscious future.


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