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News Releases

ORNL's Communications team works with news media seeking information about the laboratory. Media may use the resources listed below or send questions to
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New mapping methods developed by researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory can help urban planners minimize the environmental impacts of cities’ water and energy demands on surrounding stream ecologies. In an analysis published in Pr...

Kelly Chipps, David Green, Zac Ward, David Weston

Four Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers specializing in nuclear physics, fusion energy, advanced materials and environmental science are among 59 recipients of Department of Energy’s Office of Science Early Career Research Program awards. The Early Career ...

James Peery has been selected as the chief scientist of the Global Security Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
James Peery, who has led critical national security programs at Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory, has been selected as the chief scientist of the Global Security Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. “James brings more than...
COHERENT collaborators were the first to observe coherent elastic neutrino–nucleus scattering. Their results, published in the journal Science, confirm a prediction of the Standard Model and establish constraints on alternative theoretical models. Image c

After more than a year of operation at the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the COHERENT experiment, using the world’s smallest neutrino detector, has found a big fingerprint of the elusive, electrically neutral particles that interact only weakly with matter.

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Researchers used neutrons to probe a running engine at ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source

An existing Qubitekk prototype will leverage ORNL’s single-photon source approach, bringing the device closer to generating pairs of quantum light particles in a controlled, deterministic manner that is useful for quantum encryption. Image by Qubitekk.
Qubitekk has non-exclusively licensed an Oak Ridge National Laboratory-developed method to produce quantum light particles, known as photons, in a controlled, deterministic manner that promises improved speed and security when sharing encrypted data. Current encr...
Michelle Buchanan
Michelle Buchanan, an accomplished scientific leader and researcher, has been appointed Deputy for Science and Technology at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory by new Lab Director Thomas Zacharia. Her appointment is effective Oct. 1, 2017. “Dr...
Baohua Gu and Parans Paranthaman

Researchers Baohua Gu and Parans Paranthaman have been named Corporate Fellows of the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory. ORNL’s Corporate Fellows are recognized for significant career accomplishments and continued leadership in their scienti...

Gerald Tuskan will serve as Chief Executive Officer of the new ORNL-led Center for Bioenergy Innovation, one of four DOE bioenergy research centers.

The Department of Energy has announced funding for new research centers to accelerate the development of specialty plants and processes for a new generation of biofuels and bioproducts. The Center for Bioenergy Innovation (CBI), led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory...

A team led by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has used sophisticated neutron scattering techniques to detect an elusive quantum state known as the Higgs amplitude mode in a two-dimensional material. The Higgs amplitude mode is a condensed ...