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Research Highlight

Topological Nanostructures Enable Nonlinear Light Generation

ORNL Image
Schematic illustrating the zigzag design of silicon nanodiscs on a glass substrate that enables topology-controlled nonlinear light generation (infrared excitation and green light out, e.g., third harmonic generation)

Scientific Achievement

First demonstration of strong nonlinear parametric effects driven by the topological nature of nanoscale photonic structures.

Significance and Impact

Experimental realization of nonlinear light generation in topological nanostructures brings nonlinear topological photonics to the realm of nanoscience where it may make computation and communication systems more efficient.

Research Details

– Nanofabrication of 510 nm diameter and 300 nm height silicon nanodisks spaced 20 nm apart in a zigzag array.

– Excitation of the zigzag array with 1590 nm femtosecond laser pulses.

– Demonstrated full 3-dimensional guiding of light topologically protected from disorder.


S. Kruk, A. Poddubny, D. Smimova, L. Wang, A. Slobozhanyuk, A. Shorokhov, I Kravchenko, B. Luther-Davies, and Y. Kivshar, "Nonlinear light generation in topological nanostructures," Nature Nanotech. (2018).   DOI: 10.1038/s41565-018-0324-7