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Wireless systems able to monitor and perform diagnostics on motors used in industrial processes could improve production efficiency by 10 percent to 20 percent, according to Wayne Manges of Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Industrial Technologies Program. "With electric motor-driven systems accountin...
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The Department of Energy's Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has been confirmed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's most powerful pulsed neutron spallation source. The SNS recently ramped up beam power to more than 300 kilowatts, producing 4.8 x 10e 16 neutr...
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A four-month old guide dog that will hopefully one day assist a blind person is undergoing socialization training during a daily routine at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.Connie Nichols of Oak Ridge's Human Resources Directorate is working with Timmy, a yellow lab, for up ...
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The U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Associated Universities and Oak Ridge National Laboratory have recognized outstanding ORNL staff for mentoring students and teachers in laboratory education programs and throughout the community. The Mentor and Education Champion Awards were pres...
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Small streams disrupted by military training activities or commercial development can be restored with simple and inexpensive measures, according to findings of a group headed by Pat Mulholland of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Researchers from ORNL and Auburn University learned that streams can be ...
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A new data mining tool developed by Forrest Hoffman and colleagues could lead to a better understanding of Earth's climate systems and to more accurate models. Using a novel cluster analysis technique to classify and group data, the researchers are able to take extract and compare relevant patterns ...
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Bacteria cells outnumber human cells in the average healthy human body by a factor of almost ten. Now researchers are asking if those resident microorganisms play a larger role in who we are than previously thought. ORNL researchers are joining an international collaboration to learn more about the ...
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Fusion power is a holy grail of our energy future, promising eventually to provide cheap, plentiful electricity with a minimum of environmental concerns and no greenhouse gases. Before it does, however, scientists must learn to control and contain an ionized gas hotter than the sun. Theoretical phy...
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ORNL researchers have discovered a carbon nanotube-based system that functions like an atom-scale switch. Their approach is to perform first-principles calculations on positioning a molecule inside a carbon nanotube to affect the electronic current flowing across it. The result is an electrical gate...
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The Department of Energy's recent evaluation of laboratory performance awarded UT-Battelle a grade of A in the area of Science and Technology at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. DOE's "report card" rated UT-Battelle's performance from October 2006 through September 2007 on eight performance goals...