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People who engage in illegal activities using the file sharing capabilities of BitTorrent could one day face prosecution because of a technology being developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Raymond Borges of the Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate is creating software tools to moni...
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Sophisticated hackers who have enjoyed recent success infiltrating high-profile companies might not have been so fortunate if a new Oak Ridge National Laboratory system had been in place. The patented technology developed by Nathanael Paul's team introduces true randomness generated by a quantum phy...
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In medical treatment, doctors often prefer to deliver multiple therapeutic compounds to parts of the human body by varying the coatings on the drugs so they are released in a time-resolved manner. Researchers using the liquids reflectometer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Spallation Neutron Sourc...
Lysozyme (shown in blue) -- a natural enzyme found in tears, saliva and egg whites -- can break down bacterial cell walls (shown in pink). ORNL researchers have combined computational simulation and neutron experiments to clarify the complicated motions o
Molecular motion in proteins comes in three distinct classes, according to a collaboration by researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee, in research reported in Physical Review Letters.
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Crystals and ceramics pale when compared to a material researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory discovered that has 10 times their piezoelectric effect, making it suitable for perhaps hundreds of everyday uses.
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Batteries could get a boost from an Oak Ridge National Laboratory discovery that increases power, energy density and safety while dramatically reducing charge time. A team led by Hansan Liu, Gilbert Brown and Parans Paranthaman of the Department of Energy lab's Chemical Sciences Division found ...

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Honeywell Turbo Technologies hopes to produce turbochargers with greater life expectancy and reliability through a project with the High Temperature Materials Laboratory User Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Using neutron diffraction, researchers will map residual stress generated during w...
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A superhydrophobic coating developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory could dramatically lessen a multi-billion dollar problem that affects underwater machines, watercraft, submarines, water intakes, offshore drilling rigs and countless other types of equipment and machinery. Corrosion and biofoulin...
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Thermal energy in ordinary crystal materials takes the form of tiny atomic vibrations that ripple through the material in waves. Instead of spreading evenly through the material, some of the energy will clump into little packets. Scientists had thought that these energy packets, which they call intr...
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A special report highlights the accomplishments of researchers running large, complex and often unprecedented simulations on Department of Energy Office of Science supercomputers. The research community gains access to these powerful machines through the Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on ...