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Employees at Oak Ridge National Laboratory are winding down another year marked by volunteerism in the community and generosity toward the less fortunate.Laboratory staff members again topped this year's United Way campaign goal, raising more than $800,000. UT-Battelle, the laboratory's managing co...
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Pat Parr, area manager of the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has earned an award for her work on behalf of the Southern Appalachian Man and Biosphere (SAMAB) program.
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Steve Stow has been named director of the American Museum of Science and Energy in Oak Ridge.Stow has served in several positions in Oak Ridge since 1980, including program manager for various environmental activities, section head of the earth sciences section at ORNL and an active participant in ...
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Hundreds of sites around the country contaminated with chlorinated solvents such as trichloroethylene may be candidates for monitored natural attenuation. Researchers are evaluating whether monitored natural attenuation, which exploits natural physical, chemical and biological processes in the subsu...
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Uncle Sam may want you, but he also wants to better understand and protect the habitat of species like the red cockaded woodpecker, vegetation and other components of the ecosystem. So the mission of Virginia Dale of Oak Ridge National Laboratory and collaborators is to develop a Web-based model to ...
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To better understand diseases, scientists need to gain a far more detailed picture of cell function and how individual proteins interact and respond to various stimuli. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health is specifically interested in defining the functi...
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Production of prototype sensors that combine living cells with integrated circuits could begin within a few months. Micro Systems Technologies, a startup company in Dayton, Ohio, recently licensed bioluminescent bioreporter integrated circuit technology developed by Mike Simpson of Oak Ridge Nationa...
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It's looking and feeling a lot less like Christmas in many parts of the country as higher temperatures and fewer snowfalls are becoming the norm from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve.Looking at states that typically get snow, 197 of 260 weather stations have reported fewer days with snowfall since 194...

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Oak Ridge National Laboratory might be the future home for a number of 28 proposed major projects released today by Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham. Abraham released the list of proposed multi-million dollar projects in an address before the National P...

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A mouse population that once totaled more than 200,000 is down to zero at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, but it's all part of the plan. Beginning in the next few weeks and continuing for several years, the mouse colony will be rederived from stocks of embryos frozen in special freezers chilled by li...