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Oak Ridge National Laboratory has received $2.5 million from the Department of Energy as part of a new Technology Commercialization and Deployment Program to help bring energy efficient and renewable energy innovations to market. Technology transfer officials at the lab worked with DOE's Energy Eff...
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One obstacle to increased use of E85 will fall when Underwriters Laboratories begins certifying fuel dispensers, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers are contributing data that could fuel the process. While E85, an alcohol fuel mixture, can help meet the goal of displacing 20 percent of gas...
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Just a few months after the Spallation Neutron Source announced a new world's record for beam power, its sister neutron facility at DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory„ the High Flux Isotope Reactor„ can boast a record of its own. HFIR's new cold source is producing more cold neutrons than expected a...

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Artificial teeth and crowns made of ceramic material are doomed to fail ? usually within six to 10 years ? but that may change because of a technique that borrows from nature. A group led by Claus Daniel of Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Materials Science and Technology Division has discovered that...
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watt solar system designed by JX Crystals far more efficient and less expensive than conventional solar panels. The four 175-watt panels concentrate the sun up to three times its normal strength, which reduces by two-thirds the amount of expe...
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As the new hunting season begins, an Ohio-based company is introducing a high performance bullet based on technology developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The new bullet promises more precision and superior terminal ballistics and is lead-free and safe for the environment. Recently licensed to...
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Diagnosing back problems and predicting the outcome of surgery could become a lot more accurate because of a project awarded to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the University of Tennessee and Vanderbilt. With an estimated 80 percent to 90 percent of people in the United States experiencing lower back...
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Climate change may be atmospheric, but the secret to Earth's response could be buried underground. Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists are using new molecular tools to characterize microbial life beneath the soil and determine the role bacteria, protozoa, viruses and fungi play in helping plant...
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A study of roofing damage incurred by Gulf Coast structures following Hurricane Katrina has found that buildings with steep sloped roofs held up better against the high-wind storm damage than buildings that had low sloped roofs. The study - conducted on behalf of The Roofing Industry Committee on We...
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A novel body bag proposed by a researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory could be a lifesaver for people who have to handle victims of natural disasters, wars or other events that claim multiple lives. While the basic body bag has changed very little since its inception, Arpad Vass of the lab's Bi...