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By studying hospital occupancy rates in hospitals of countries where data is readily available, Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers hope to further refine their population distribution and dynamics work. For this effort, researchers are focusing on night and day population de...

The entanglement between the two beams of light enables researchers to resolve trace signals from the plasmonic sensor that would otherwise be undetectable.
Through manipulation of two laser beams and plasmonic sensors, Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers are pushing the boundaries for detecting trace biochemical compounds.
This ORNL-developed map depicts different classes of vegetation canopy structure in the Tennessee portion of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
A new data analytics approach developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory could help forest and wildlife managers track changes in vegetation and wildlife habitat across large land areas.
ORNL's open-source software mines for insights in Big Data, enabling timely detection of useful information such as fraud within a healthcare service provider network.
Drawing connections between seemingly disparate and vast amounts of text could become easier thanks to software developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
This is an example of the decorative pattern formed on a surface of an austenitic alloy single crystal.

Steel unlike any forged in the last 2,000 years will be in the spotlight at the TMS 2016 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Feb. 14-18 in Nashville.

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Satyabrata Sen of the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory has been awarded the 2016 Sidney D. Drell Academic Award by Intelligence and National Security Alliance, an organization of public, private and academic sectors within the national security an...
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The International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry has announced formal verification of four new chemical elements, recognizing the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and its collaborators for the discovery of elements 115 and 117. In their r...

Cantilever schematic: Schematic representation of the atomic force microscope interacting with the material surface. (Credit: Rama Vasudevan, ORNL)
Understanding where and how phase transitions occur is critical to developing new generations of the materials used in high-performance batteries, sensors, energy-harvesting devices, medical diagnostic equipment and other applications. But until now there was no good way to study a...
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Stan David, an Oak Ridge National Laboratory corporate fellow, has earned a 2001 Fellow Award from the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS).David, leader of the Materials Joining and Nondestructive Testing Group at the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), direc...
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Three Federal Laboratory Consortium Awards for technology transfer in the Southeast have been presented to the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for the transfer of laboratory-developed technologies to the private sector.Receiving the awards in Houston were Ashok Cho...