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Oak Ridge National Laboratory and USEC Inc. have signed an agreement worth $121 million to develop and demonstrate a highly efficient uranium enrichment technology that could greatly reduce United States dependence on foreign energy sources.
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One year ago scientists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory were reminded that the community of science is truly global. In the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that killed more than 3,000 people, ORNL researchers were deluged with electronic mail messages of condole...
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Researchers at ORNL and Sandia National Laboratories are attacking the problem of soldiers and noncombatants killed by friendly fire using technologies that will help them better understand the battlefield and battle space. The Combat ID analysis will focus on ground, air and soldier detection and i...
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Oak Ridge National Laboratory's 300,000-watt plasma arc lamp and a touch of science could help the Army solve a problem that's causing major casualties to heavy artillery barrels. The problem is that normal wear from projectiles, propellants and combustion gases causes fatigue, erosion and corrosion...
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ORNL's water sentinel enlists the help of naturally occurring algae biosensors to serve as a first-alert warning system for chemical warfare attacks on water supplies. The system, developed by scientists in the lab's Chemical Sciences Division, works by detecting toxic chemicals in reservoirs, river...
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Law enforcement agencies could have another way to trace the origin of anthrax and other chemical or biological agents with a technique being developed by researchers in ORNL's Chemical Sciences Division. The novel fingerprinting system takes advantage of stable isotopes, which are found in our bodi...
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Most population databases have one potentially fatal flaw, according to Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers who have developed a system that could be a lifesaver if a city had to be evacuated.Unlike conventional models, ORNL's LandScan USA model takes into account the difference between dayti...
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Oak Ridge National Laboratory's new computer link to Atlanta is 200,000 times faster than the fastest dial-up connections typical of home computers and is expected to spur significant advances in science and economic development in the region and beyond. At a ceremony today at ORNL, Ray Orbach, d...
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Three Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers will receive Presidential Early Career Awards for Science and Engineering from President Bush. The awards will be presented Friday, July 12 during a White House ceremony. The honorees are Vince Cianciolo of ORNL's Physics Division, Ian Anderson of the M...
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David J. Hill has been named director of the Nuclear Science and Technology Division at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.