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Researchers from the Max Planck Institute, renowned for advances in nonmetallic catalysis, leveraged computational modeling support from Oak Ridge National Laboratory to overcome a major limiting factor in the breakdown of simple organic compounds called olefins. Olefins are among natu...

Illustration of satellite in front of glowing orange celestial body

A shield assembly that protects an instrument measuring ion and electron fluxes for a NASA mission to touch the Sun was tested in extreme experimental environments at Oak Ridge National Laboratory—and passed with flying colors. Components aboard Parker Solar Probe, which will endure th...


An Oak Ridge National Laboratory-led team has observed how a prolific class of antibiotics may be losing its effectiveness as certain bacteria develop drug resistance by acquiring enzymes known as aminoglycoside modifying enzymes. Aminoglycosides are commonly used in antibiotics to tre...

ORNL researcher Heather Buckberry adjusts settings on a home appliance. Smart appliances and heating/cooling systems are designed to give homeowners the ability to closely manage electricity usage.

A few miles from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory sits a quiet house in a suburban neighborhood. The exterior is just like the neighbors’, but inside the home there’s a unique buzz of activity supervised by Heather Buckberry, a mechanical engineer with a weal...

Visitors to ORNL’s Lab Day can enjoy activities such as the interactive Traveling Science Fair, which showcases the lab’s diverse research efforts.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory will welcome community members onsite Saturday, June 9, for family-friendly activities, tours, demonstrations and talks to mark the lab’s 75th anniversary. The “75 Years of Science: Lab Day at ORNL” special event will give the public an opportunity ...

Christina Forrester

Christina Forrester’s meticulous nature is a plus for her work leading technical testing and analysis of radiological and nuclear detection devices, whether that work takes her to the Desert Southwest or to her own lab outfitted with specialized 

New exascale earth modeling system for energy
A new earth modeling system will use advanced computers and have weather scale resolution to simulate aspects of Earth’s variability and anticipate decadal changes that will critically impact the United States’ energy sector. The Energy Exascale Earth System Model, or E3SM, relea...

Using novel machine learning techniques, a research team from the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory is teaching electronic devices how to speak for themselves.

Dane Morgan and Ryan Jacobs opened up new windows into how strain alters the superconducting properties of a class of materials called Ruddelsden-Popper oxides.

University of Wisconsin-Madison engineers have added a new dimension to our understanding of why straining a particular group of materials, called Ruddlesden-Popper oxides, tampers with their superconducting properties. The findings, published in the journal Nature Communication...

Neutron interactions revealed the orthorhombic structure of the hybrid perovskite stabilized by the strong hydrogen bonds between the nitrogen substituent of the methylammonium cations and the bromides on the corner-linked PbBr6 octahedra.
Neutron scattering has revealed, in real time, the fundamental mechanisms behind the conversion of sunlight into energy in hybrid perovskite materials. A better understanding of this behavior will enable manufacturers to design solar cells with increased efficiency...