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Students gather at a poster session

Purdue University hosted more than 100 attendees at the fourth annual Quantum Science Center summer school. Students and early-career members of the QSC —headquartered at ORNL — participated in lectures, hands-on workshops, poster sessions and panel discussions alongside colleagues from other DOE National Quantum Information Science Research Centers. 

ORNL researchers and communications specialists took part in the inaugural AI Expo for National Competitiveness in Washington D.C, May 7 and 8, showcasing how the lab and the Department of Energy are leading the way in utilizing AI.

ORNL researchers and communications specialists took part in the inaugural AI Expo for National Competitiveness in Washington D.C, May 7 and 8, to showcase and provide insight into how the lab is leading the way for utilizing the vast possibilities of AI. 

Man in blue button down shirt with short grey hair stands in a field smiling

The United States has enough biomass potential to produce 35 billion gallons per year of aviation biofuel by 2050, a new report confirms. ORNL’s John Field provided biomass feedstock production expertise to the report focused on the role of the bioeconomy in U.S. decarbonization strategies. 

Pink diamond shape in a glass jar. There is a cut out showing the chemical makeup of what's inside.

A team from ORNL successfully characterized a coordination complex of the element Promethium. The research was supported by computational simulations of the element's electronic structure run on the IBM AC922 Summit supercomputer. 

Man in glasses smiles for a photo

Jinghui Yuan, an R&D staff member in the Applied Research for Mobility Systems group at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has been elevated to a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Woman with dark brown hair, glasses wearing a green shirt underneath a black blazer jacket smiling for a photo in front of blue backdrop

Erin Webb, lead for the Bioresources Science and Engineering group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has been elected a Fellow of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers — the society’s highest honor. 

Two green oak leaves with other matter in two circles above them. To the right, a yellow blob. To the left, a brown material inside a bowl.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists ingeniously created a sustainable, soft material by combining rubber with woody reinforcements and incorporating “smart” linkages between the components that unlock on demand.

Frankie White, male in a black suite with a white shirt, is standing crossing his arms.

Early career scientist Frankie White's was part of two major isotope projects at the same time he was preparing to be a father. As co-lead on a team that achieved the first synthesis and characterization of a radium compound using single crystal X-ray diffraction and part of a team that characterized the properties of promethium, White reflects on the life-changing timeline at work, and at home. 

Green, two-story house is being assembled with the help of a yellow crane.

Building innovations from ORNL will be on display in Washington, D.C. on the National Mall June 7 to June 9, 2024, during the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Innovation Housing Showcase. For the first time, ORNL’s real-time building evaluator was demonstrated outside of a laboratory setting and deployed for building construction. 

woman in blue blazer, glasses and short hair smiles for a portrait.

Lætitia H. Delmau, a distinguished researcher and radiochemist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has received the 2024 Glenn T. Seaborg Actinide Separations Award.