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- Chemical and Engineering Materials (4)
- Chemistry and Physics at Interfaces (11)
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- Energy Sciences (5)
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- Fuel Cycle Science and Technology (3)
- Functional Materials for Energy (16)
- Fusion and Fission (55)
- Geographic Information Science and Technology (3)
- Isotope Development and Production (3)
- Isotopes (36)
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- Materials for Computing (36)
- Materials Synthesis from Atoms to Systems (13)
- Materials Under Extremes (12)
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- National Security (81)
- Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization (4)
- Neutron Science (192)
- Nuclear Science and Technology (74)
- Nuclear Systems Modeling, Simulation and Validation (3)
- Nuclear Systems Technology (1)
- Quantum Condensed Matter (4)
- Quantum information Science (9)
- Reactor Technology (1)
- Renewable Energy (4)
- Supercomputing (313)
- Transportation Systems (11)
Media Contacts
John joined the MPEX project in 2019 and has served as project manager for several organizations within ORNL.
The award was given in “recognition of his lifelong leadership in fusion technology for plasma fueling systems in magnetically confined fusion systems.”
ORNL will lead three new DOE-funded projects designed to bring fusion energy to the grid on a rapid timescale.
Creating energy the way the sun and stars do — through nuclear fusion — is one of the grand challenges facing science and technology. What’s easy for the sun and its billions of relatives turns out to be particularly difficult on Earth.
ORNL will team up with six of eight companies that are advancing designs and research and development for fusion power plants with the mission to achieve a pilot-scale demonstration of fusion within a decade.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory expertise in fission and fusion has come together to form a new collaboration, the Fusion Energy Reactor Models Integrator, or FERMI
A method developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to print high-fidelity, passive sensors for energy applications can reduce the cost of monitoring critical power grid assets.
A developing method to gauge the occurrence of a nuclear reactor anomaly has the potential to save millions of dollars.
Combining expertise in physics, applied math and computing, Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists are expanding the possibilities for simulating electromagnetic fields that underpin phenomena in materials design and telecommunications.
Temperatures hotter than the center of the sun. Magnetic fields hundreds of thousands of times stronger than the earth’s. Neutrons energetic enough to change the structure of a material entirely.