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Light drives the migration of charge carriers (electrons and holes) at the juncture between semiconductors with mismatched crystal lattices. These heterostructures hold promise for advancing optoelectronics and exploring new physics.

Epitaxy, or growing crystalline film layers that are templated by a crystalline substrate, is a mainstay of manufacturing transistors and semiconductors. If the material in one deposited layer is the same as the material in the next layer, it can be energetically fav...

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Four Department of Energy national laboratories are joining Oak Ridge National Laboratory to expand an online crowdsourcing community for building technologies called JUMP, which bridges the gap between cutting-edge ideas and the marketplace. Joining ORNL in JUMP...

As part of the Bioenergy Study Tour hosted by the Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, participants will visit switchgrass fields and facilities in East Tennessee.

Researchers and others interested in establishing a sustainable bioeconomy in the U.S. are taking part in a five-day study tour led by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Approximately 70 attendees from DOE and its national laboratories, the ...

This rendering illustrates the excitation of a spin liquid on a honeycomb lattice using neutrons.

Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory used neutrons to uncover novel behavior in materials that holds promise for quantum computing. The findings, published in Nature Materials, provide evidence for long-sought phenomena in a two-dim...

Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists combined imaging techniques to measure crystallization kinetics of perovskite films following exposure to a mixed halide vapor.

Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have found a potential path to further improve solar cell efficiency by understanding the competition among halogen atoms during the synthesis of sunlight-absorbing crystals. 

The Port of Virginia was one of the major ports that received diverted containers as a result of the closure of the Port of New York-New Jersey.
Minimizing the impact on freight movement when events like Hurricane Sandy happen is the focus of an Oak Ridge National Laboratory ongoing study led by Marc Fialkoff, a researcher in the Geographic Information Science and Technology Group. “In the aftermath of disasters, planners and...
Researchers used electron microscopy aberrations to create a new method for spectroscopy with atomic-level resolution.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. At Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Uppsala University, researchers have done the scientific equivalent by using, rather than eliminating, flaws inherent to electron microscopy to create probes for performing novel atomic-level spectroscopy.
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Clothes dryers that use thermoelectric heat pump technology being developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and industry partner Sheetak could use 40 percent less energy, potentially saving consumers $3 billion in utility costs. “Each month, electric clothes dryers typically consume more energy than any other household appliance,” said Kyle Gluesenkamp, who leads the development team for ORNL’s Building Equipment Research Group.

A barrier, or weir, near 5th Creek Road on the Oak Ridge Reservation used to measure discharge on White Oak Creek acted as a barrier (unintentional) to fish passage. Due to age and failure the structure was removed in the fall of 2015.
Fish communities recovering from environmental disturbances could potentially face obstacles presented by road culverts and equipment used to monitor water quality, according to an Oak Ridge National Laboratory study conducted over two decades. Researchers Ryan McManamay and Robert J...
In unbound calyx[4]pyrrole, two pyrrole “petals” are flipped up and two, down.

Atomic charges in chemical solutions are like Switzerland—they strive for neutrality. The tendency to balance charges drives dynamics when charged atoms or molecules, called ions, are present in solutions. Recently, researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laborat...