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Air in the United States could be cleaner in years to come because of a laboratory researchers expect will help in the development of new standards for fuel economy and emissions evaluations. The Vehicle Systems Integration Laboratory provides unprecedented capabilities that will be invaluable ...
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Whole-ecosystem warming technologies for the 10- year Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Climatic and Environmental Change project have been finalized using prototypes designed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Construction has begun in Minnesota to deploy the technologies, which will warm the...

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By using water instead of expensive, flammable and toxic solvents to make lithium-ion batteries, Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers have discovered and demonstrated a path to reduce manufacturing costs and removed environmental concerns. The method also eliminates the explosion-proof pr...
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The Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory has begun delivery of germanium-76 detectors to an underground laboratory in South Dakota in a team research effort that might explain the puzzling imbalance between matter and antimatter generated by the Big Bang.
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Materials science and physics research led by early career Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists received a boost this week from the Department of Energy's Office of Science Early Career Research Program.

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A new 1,500-square-foot zero-energy structure has been built on the Clinton High School campus with the help of a $15,000 corporate gift from UT-Battelle.
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23 for a conference aimed at building global networks to tackle some of society's most challenging biomedical problems. The scientific theme is "Integrating Experiments, Simulations and Modeling for...
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At the Climate Change Science Institute at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, researchers are helping accelerate development of a model that the climate science community depends upon to generate simulation data for periodic planetary assessments. Researchers from seven Department of Energy national lab...
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Software developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory can help emergency responders predict where power outages are likely when a storm hits, which can minimize the amount of time people are in the dark. The fully automated system uses wind speed and location estimates to geospatially map the impact t...
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Computer aficionados now have a new virtual encyclopedia focused on high-performance computing trends, architecture, software, applications, facilities and sponsors. Oak Ridge National Laboratory staff researcher Jeff Vetter's book, titled "Contemporary High Performance Computing," examines the grow...