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Erica Prates is using her skills as a computational systems biologist to link the smallest molecules to their impact on large ecosystems. Credit: Carlos Jones/ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy

Erica Prates has found a way to help speed the pursuit of healthier ecosystems by linking the function of the smallest molecules to their effects on large-scale processes, leveraging a combination of science, math and computing.

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If you're wondering just how much your neighborhood Clark Griswold is paying to brighten the town with Christmas lights visible from outer space, the answer varies significantly from one part of the country to another.

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Twenty-five thousand big rigs rumbling through Knoxville every day will help researchers from Oak Ridge National Laboratory get a better handle on real-world emissions and their effects on the environment. Two meteorological stations are operational and other equipment will be added as researchers f...
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The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has awarded a $2.4 million construction contract for land improvements to the SNS linear accelerator (linac) complex. This work will complete all final erosion control and grading over the linac tunnel to areas adjacent to...
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Thomas J. Wilbanks, a UT-Battelle corporate fellow, has been appointed to the Board of Earth Sciences and Resources of the National Research Council.
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Larry Satkowiak has been named deputy program director for nuclear nonproliferation programs at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.He will be responsible for directing the laboratory's existing programs, managing program strategies and coordinating the relationship with nonpro...
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Stan David, a UT-Battelle corporate fellow, has earned the Yoshiaki Arata Award for fundamental research in welding science and technology.David, leader of the Materials Joining and Nondestructive Testing Group in the Metals and Ceramics Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, was presented the ...
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Soldiers, the elderly and handicapped alike will get a big assist with exoskeleton technology being developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and partners. The goal of the project is to enhance the load carrying capability, mobility and endurance of the land warrior and others. For the military, th...
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Laboratory chemicals with dated shelf lives can become dangerous if not carefully monitored. Paul Ewing and other researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a special storage cabinet system to enhance inventory and tracking of such chemicals and other similar high-risk assets throug...
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An average house in the United States can be framed with wood harvested from one-third acre of forest or with steel recycled from six old cars. Wood has been the traditional choice because of cost and thermal efficiency. Now Jan Kosny and other scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have made s...