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Jeffery C. Blackmon of Oak Ridge National Laboratory is one of five Department of Energy recipients of the latest Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), presented today in a White House ceremony.
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Oak Ridge is a long way from Memphis, but Oak Ridge National Laboratory technology soon could have more of a presence in the state's largest city, ORNL Director Jeff Wadsworth said Friday.
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This month the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) began commissioning the next section of the linear accelerator (linac). The SNS linac consists of four different types of accelerators, the one being tested is the drift-tube linac (DTL). Testing consists of generating a pulsed current of negative hydr...
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Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a nanoscale technology for investigating biomolecular processes in single living cells.
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The Department of Energy's Oak Ridge Environmental Research Park will host a series of walks for birdwatchers to be held from 7 until 10:30 a.m. Saturdays, April 24, May 1 and May 8.Jim Evans, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency officer assigned to Oak Ridge's DOE Reservation, said the wa...
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Scientists and researchers at universities and Department of Energy labs around the nation are closer to being connected via high-speed networks that live up to their promise because of an agreement between Oak Ridge National Laboratory and National LambdaRail. The goal of the project is to estab...
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Neptunium stored at the Savannah River Site is slated to be processed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and provide fuel for future space missions. Under the proposed program, the material would be transported from Savannah River to Oak Ridge, where it would be blended with an aluminum-metal powder, ...
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By developing techniques to precisely control the growth and shape of polymers at the molecular level, researchers hope to make possible the design and synthesis of new materials with biomedical applications. The idea is to mimic the "bottoms-up" approach used in nature, which starts with single mol...
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Broken drive belts in your car might be a thing of the past because of a technology being developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Electric drive motors could replace the belts that run compressors, water pumps and oil pumps of hybrid and fuel cell vehicles. The motors, however, require inverters...
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First responders could minimize the risk to themselves and do their jobs more effectively if they were wearing a protective suit proposed by a team led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. As envisioned by Gary Steimer of the lab's National Security Directorate, the Advanced Integrated Responder Ensemb...