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Multiphysics Simulations for LWR Analysis...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2013)
Conference Location
Sun Valley, Idaho, United States of America
Conference Date

Accurate prediction of the neutron and temperature distributions within an operating nuclear reactor
requires the solution of multiple coupled physics equations. In a light water reactor (LWR), there is a
very strong coupling between the power distribution (governed by the radiation transport equation) and
the temperature and density distributions (governed by a thermal di usion equation in combination with
a fluid flow model). This study aims to begin to quantify the impact of such feedback mechanisms as
well as identify numerical diculties associated with such multiphysics problems. A description of the
multiphysics model and current solution strategy within the Exnihilo code package will be presented,
along with numerical results for a representative 3  3 PWR ‘mini-assembly.’