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Habitats of salmon could be preserved through the careful management of forests.
Strategic thinning of forests in the Pacific Northwest and other parts of the United States plagued by fires could produce benefits on multiple levels, according to Rebecca Novello, a researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In a collaboration with Pacific Northwest National La...
Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s supercomputer is opening new horizons for the Nature Inspired Machine Learning Team.

From machine learning to neuromorphic architectures that enable greater computing flexibility and utility, Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers are pushing boundaries with Titan. “We’re using deep learning to advance the state of the art in several challenging fields such as c...

Neon atoms between graphene sheets poke the top sheet from below and stretch the crystalline lattice, forming a bubble at a pressure larger than that of the ocean at its greatest depth.

Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory found a simpler way to measure adhesion between graphene sheets, compared to a sophisticated method used in a 2015 study: They measured how much graphene deflects when neon atoms poke it from below to create “bubbles.” Each bubble’s curv...

 ORNL scientists studied ways to enhance the proposed memory cell performance and minimize access times and energies, yielding a novel cryogenic, or low-temperature, design that may resolve a memory storage bottleneck.
Scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have proposed a novel cryogenic, or low-temperature, memory cell circuit design that may resolve a memory storage bottleneck, accelerating the pathway to exascale and quantum computing. The proposed design converges write, read and reset ...
Advanced materials take flight in the LEAP engine, featuring ceramic matrix composites developed over a quarter-century by GE with help from DOE and ORNL. Image credit: General Electric

Ceramic matrix composite (CMC) materials are made of coated ceramic fibers surrounded by a ceramic matrix. They are tough, lightweight and capable of withstanding temperatures 300–400 degrees F hotter than metal alloys can endure. If certain components were made with CMCs instead o...

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Although the Daresbury Nuclear Structure Facility in England was closed in 1993, one of its nuclear physics instruments will have a second life at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The large, multi-million-dollar instrument will be used with ORNL's upgraded radioactive-ion
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Automobile manufacturers must crash models of their cars to determine if they meet safety standards for protecting passengers during accidents. Because a single car crash test can cost $50,000 to $750,000, an attractive alternative to crunching metal is crunching numbers.Inexpensive car-crash simul...
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Robert L. Siegrist, a researcher and engineer at the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), has been named chair of the Task Force on Contaminated Sites under the International Committee of the Water Environment Federation. The task force, comprised of members from more ...
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Anna Swan, a Wigner Fellow, has joined the research staff at the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in the Solid State Division's Particle-Surface Interactions Section. The Wigner fellowship, designed to provide research opportunities for exceptional young scient...
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Nic Korte of the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been appointed to the editorial review board of the professional journal Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation. Korte heads ORNL's Environmental Sciences Division restoration and technology group, which is located in...