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Doctors treating incurable brain tumors and other cancers resistant to conventional therapies will soon have a new treatment available to them because of a development by Isotron of Alpharetta, Ga., and the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
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UT-Battelle and Oak Ridge National Laboratory have received the laboratory's first-ever "outstanding" rating for overall performance from the Department of Energy for fiscal year 2002.ORNL Director Bill Madia said, "It is difficult to overstate what this accomplishment will mean to the laboratory's...
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Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory are developing a CAT scanning machine that eventually could allow small children or patients with special medical conditions to be scanned without having to be restrained, be anesthetized or remain virtually still. The machine initially will be used for "...
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Those much-maligned cellular phones in automobiles could actually help drivers get to their destinations faster with a concept being tested and evaluated by researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The idea is to use signals being transmitted by the phones, aggregate them and predict traffic co...
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What's in diesel exhaust, and how does it impact diesel performance? William Partridge and other engineers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in cooperation with Cummins Diesel and BWXT-Y12 have developed a monitor to analyze the exhaust of an operating diesel. Called the SpaciMS, the monitor meas...
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If you're wondering just how much your neighborhood Clark Griswold is paying to brighten the town with Christmas lights visible from outer space, the answer varies significantly from one part of the country to another.

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Twenty-five thousand big rigs rumbling through Knoxville every day will help researchers from Oak Ridge National Laboratory get a better handle on real-world emissions and their effects on the environment. Two meteorological stations are operational and other equipment will be added as researchers f...
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The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has awarded a $2.4 million construction contract for land improvements to the SNS linear accelerator (linac) complex. This work will complete all final erosion control and grading over the linac tunnel to areas adjacent to...
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Thomas J. Wilbanks, a UT-Battelle corporate fellow, has been appointed to the Board of Earth Sciences and Resources of the National Research Council.
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Larry Satkowiak has been named deputy program director for nuclear nonproliferation programs at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.He will be responsible for directing the laboratory's existing programs, managing program strategies and coordinating the relationship with nonpro...