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Oak Ridge National Laboratory has announced plans to conduct a series of deep energy retrofit research projects with the potential to improve the energy efficiency in selected homes by as much as 30 to 50 percent.
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East Tennessee is now home to two of the world's three fastest computers, according to new rankings released today.

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Retired U.S. Army Major Gen. Warren Edwards told an Oak Ridge National Laboratory Veterans Day audience Wednesday that military personnel acted heroically in response to the recent Fort Hood shooting. "You see soldiers who have been put in unanticipated stressful situations in places they

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David Cole, a group leader in the Chemical Sciences Division of the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has earned the UT-Battelle Director's Award for Outstanding Individual Accomplishment in Science and Technology.
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Fuel economy ratings for the new 2010 model year automobiles are now posted at the web site, which Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed and maintains for the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Nine of the top 10 vehicles on the best...
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Heavy trucks are a little less heavy but just as safe and rugged because of steel rail frames provided by Metalsa Roanoke, which enlisted the help of Cam Hubbard and the High Temperature Materials Laboratory User Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. By working with ORNL, the Virginia manufactur...
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By discovering a technique to guide the ferroelectric switching process in bismuth ferrite, a team led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Nina Balke has moved one step closer to developing more rugged memory and logic devices. One key to the success is that the material has both electrical and magne...
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Activities that are saving water and helping the environment have earned UT-Battelle, which manages Oak Ridge National Laboratory, honors from the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
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Climate scientists recognize that climate modeling projections include a significant level of uncertainty. A team of researchers using computing facilities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has identified a new method for quantifying this uncertainty. The new approach sug...
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Construction and installation has been completed recently on the newest instrument at the Department of Energy's Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The Single-Crystal Diffractometer, also known as TOPAZ, will greatly expand the range of materials explored in chemistry, earth...