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mile stretch of Florida's Interstate 10 between Jacksonville and Tallahassee. Using remote sensing, D...
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Instant analysis of the composition of air particulates „ especially vital in an air quality emergency „ is possible with the Aerosol Plasma Spectrometer. Conventional methods used for air monitoring require samples to be taken from a site to a laboratory for analysis, taking anywhere from hours to ...
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You might say some scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory hang with a fast crowd.More and more, NASCAR teams seeking a racing edge are making pit stops at ORNL's High Temperature Materials Laboratory for high-tech tips to better performance."ORNL facilities that are used to test and develop tr...
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Hundreds of barges, tow boats and recreational craft passing through Watts Bar on the Tennessee River will be monitored for nuclear material as part of an effort to thwart terrorists.The project, scheduled to start in September, is a collaboration among the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National...
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The Department of Homeland Security's recent selection of Memphis as a "best practices" model for high-tech security measures could speed the implementation of similar technologies in other cities.
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Small businesses interested in working with four Department of Energy national laboratories managed or co-managed by the Battelle Memorial Institute of Columbus, Ohio, may participate in a two-day conference Aug. 30-31 at DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Representatives from ORNL, Brookhaven ...
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The way growing piles of sand behave „ with bursts of energy that result in large and small avalanches „ has served as a model for fusion researchers seeking insight into the way magnetically confined plasmas behave in fusion reactors. The same research into self-organizing systems has also lent its...
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High-resolution computational simulations and advanced visualizations are enabling researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to identify and gain a better understanding of proteins. Until recently, protein complexes have been viewed as static entities with biological function understood in terms ...
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Spent nuclear fuel from commercial reactors could be minimized and burn-up potentially doubled if Gamma Engineering's new silicon carbide-based cladding proves viable. Conventional cladding, the tubing that contains the enriched uranium that fuels reactors, becomes brittle and must...
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Teams of children from across Tennessee are being sought for the FIRST LEGO League state tournament Saturday, Dec. 4 at Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville.